Way of St. James from Schwyz to Beckenried
I have done this stage several times:
with Rita in good weather, with the sports club of UBS Zurich Berg&Ski (to Emmetten) - this is what the text refers to and with the parish Birmensdorf - Aesch (to Beckenried).
For one week I followed the weather forecast for Saturday. They didn't promise splendid weather, but they were not very bad either. On Friday after the news, the weather forecast suddenly showed dark clouds with heavy raindrops. What do we do now?
Nine women from Berg &Ski and a frend were registered for the hike on the Way of St. James. And already the first calls came: Are we going or not going? An inquiry to Meteo Schweiz showed that the rain would be kept within limits. We're going, a little rain won't do any harm! We are not made of sugar.

Departure in Schwyz: View of the Stoss with the Fronalpstock. In the middle of the picture the first chapel "to the grievous Mother of God"
When we arrived in Schwyz on Saturday morning at the main square, the continuation point of our pilgrimage, it was raining - but only very finely. We simply put on our hoods and put up our umbrellas and off we went over meadows and field paths from one chapel to the next, past the convent "der Barmherzigen Schwestern vom heiligen Kreuz (Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross)" in Ingenbohl to Brunnen and straight to the boat station.
However, the picture is from another hike along the Way of St. James in good weather.
When the sun smiles, you have a wonderful view over the Lake of Uri from Brunnen. But we were under the umbrella and could not see so much. But our ship just arrived as ordered.
In a few minutes we were over the lake.
We took our first breather in the magnificent and cosy resting place Treib, directly at the lake. Everyone had a seat at a big table. Coffee or Ovi and croissants were our first refreshment.
Note: Since August 2010, the trail from Treib to Emmetten has been marked as an easier, even in wet conditions, safe alternative route via Seelisberg and the Brennwald. At the Treib boat station and at three other locations, there are signposts providing information about the new Via Jacobi route.

For the ascent you can alternatively take the funicular, provided that this is compatible with St. James and your conscience.
We have gone the normal way. From Treib the climb to Emmetten began. Slowly and steadily we went uphill, over a very wet meadow, over field paths and small roads. The view over Lake Lucerne widened visibly. It had also stopped raining. We stopped at a barn for a short rest. Here we met other pilgrims with heavy backpacks, who we asked about their intentions.
Halfway up, under the canopy of a stable, we stopped for lunch. The canopy also protected us from the light rain that had started again. But it subsided again when we continued our walk. Now we went into the forest. The path became narrow and we marched in a column of one.
We climbed the rock barrier over stairs and paths, which nature has put in the way of the hiker here. A few more serpentines of the forest path and we were at the height (about 800m) of Emmetten.
After the further climb in the forest you come to a fork in the path (on the map at the point "Follen"). Here you have to decide which way to take:
Downhill following the signpost "Beckenried" or after a left turn further uphill to Emmetten. Just before Emmetten you can choose again: either on the road through the village or over the modern but romantic gorge bridge via Anna chapel and Schöneck to Beckenried (marked in red).
I have tried all the options. Each one has its charms. The direct descent to Beckenried on a zigzag path in the steep forest terrain is very beautiful. Instead you walk endlessly on an asphalt road next to the lake, which you can hardly see.
The path up to Emmetten is also very nice, but then I would not walk on the road through the village, but would take the small (red marked) diversion over the gorge bridge to the Anna chapel. In the forest it is simply more beautiful than on the asphalt road.
The sun began to shine: The umbrellas were finally stowed away and the sunglasses were taken out. Passing a last chapel, we reached the end of the hike, the Emmetten Post station.

In the village coat of arms of Emmetten are three scallops
Chapel at Emmetten
I made another pilgrimage with the parish pilgrimage group, but in better weather from Schwyz to Beckenried. This time we walked over the bridge over the gorge to the classical Anna chapel (picture).

Inside we noticed the picture "The Dance of Death" above the entrance door.
The entrance to the Anna Chapel.
View from the Anna Chapel towards Beckenried.
After a steep descent beside rushing waters we reached the Seestrasse to Beckenried.
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