Astano, Summer Singing Week in Ticino
Astano is situated between Lake Lugano and Lake Maggiore on a south-facing terrace at an altitude of about 630 m below Monte Lemas on the Swiss-Italian border. We stayed at the Hotel Albergo della Posta, were very well accommodated with all comforts and were spoiled with culinary delights. The hotel has a small swimming pool and there is a lake nearby.
Under the direction of Vera Ehrensperger the challenging programme included voice training, body work, breathing techniques and singing selected polyphonic choral pieces.
We sang among others: J. S. Bach's fugue "Psallite Deo nostro in laetitia" and Louis Armstrong's hit "What a wonderful World" as a four- to five-part choral movement.
Excursions we made to Monte Lema: See photos