The way to Vienna
At the Klosterneuburg train station you have to pay attention where the Danube cycle path continues. With a lot of luck you will end up in the Donaustrasse. Back on the Danube you can see the skyline of the Uno City with the Danube Tower. Quite unspectacularly the place-name sign "Vienna" appears.
For a more beautiful skyline touch the picture with the mouse
View of the Danube from Leopoldsberg
The port of Kuchelau must be circumnavigated. Then you are back on a nice cycle path to Nussdorf. At the Nussdorf lock we turn off to the Danube Canal.
Nussdorf lock with two mighty lions (only one is on the photo)
Now we drive along the Heiligenstädter Lände and arrive at the Spittelauer district heating plant and waste incineration plant. It was decorated by Hundertwasser. I personally like this building better than the Hundertwasser house in the third district.
We pass under the Friedensbrücke, the Rossauerbrücke and the Augartenbrücke. At the Salztorbrücke we use the ramp to drive up to Franz Joseph's quay. The cobblestones of Salztorgasse lead us uphill - after all, Vienna was founded by the Romans on a hill above the Danube. Either via Hoher Markt and Rotenturmstrasse, or via Tuchlauben and Brandstätte we reach Stephansplatz.

Danube cycle route