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Danube cycling overview Donaueschingen
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Passau Engelszell Schlögener Schlinge Aschach Wilhering Linz Sankt Florian Enns Sankt Pantaleon Wallsee-Mitterkirchen Baumgartenberg Burg Clam Grein Strudengau Persenbeug Ybbs Ybbs - Pöchlarn Pöchlarn Melk
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Main square Emblem

The picturesque village of GREIN on the left bank of the Danube was elevated to the status of a town by Emperor Friedrich III in 1491. The originally Gothic parish church was redesigned in the 17th century. There we meet once again Batholomeo Altomonte, who created the picture in the high altar.

In the main square there is the town hall, built in 1562, where a theatre was built in 1791. It is still preserved in its original state.


© WGD Donau Oberösterreich Tourismus GmbH/Erber

View from the Greinburg

Click on the picture "View from the Greinburg"!

Greinburg Castle is situated on a hill above the town. From the hill you have a beautiful view of the city and the Danube (picture above - click!). From the late gothic building 1488 - 1493 the tower and a ground floor is preserved. The main parts were built after 1621, such as the Renaissance courtyard with its arcades (picture below).

Vreni, Babsi, Gerhard im Arkadenhof vom Schloss Greinburg

In this picture I have magicked away a disturbing delivery van on the right back. A little bit you still notice the pixel arts.

Arcaded Court

Arcade Court

Diamond vault

You can visit the castle:

Siehe https://www.schloss-greinburg.at/en/

The medieval core of the residential castle is testified by this room with its unique diamond arches with fascinating light and shadow play.

Gerhard und Babsi

With daughter Babsi at the Danube cycle track in front of the scenery of Grein

bike symbol  bike symbol

Danube cycle route