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In the town of Moissac is one of the oldest monasteries in Europe. Its foundation dates back to the 5th century, when Christianity entered Gaul.
We are in front of the convent church of Saint-Martin with its crenellated tower porch and Romanesque portal (12th century). The nave, as well as the bell tower, date from the 15th century (reconstruction period with brick technique).

Kirche Moissac Kirchenportal mit Tympanon in Moissac

The portal with its tympanum.

Apostel Paulus am Mittelpfeiler des Kirchenprotals in Moissac

The apostle Paul at the central pillar of the entrance portal.

Moissac Kirche Innen

A view into the interior of the church, which looks like wallpaper, but it is paintings.

The cloister

I was the first to enter this wonderful place right after the opening of the cloister. There it lay peacefully before me and no tourist disturbed the idyll from the 11th century! It is one of the most beautiful Romanesque cloisters in existence. I was so impressed that I almost forgot to take a picture.

romanischer Kreuzgang Moissac

larger photo at fotocommunity Lupe

romanischer Kreuzgang mit Zeder

larger photo at fotocommunity Lupe

romanische Kapitäle

The capitals are a bible carved in stone.


The apostles are represented on the corner pillars and the central pillars.